There's this kid at school.
I would say he's mentally challenged but the only reason I would say that is because he has trouble speaking clearly.
Maybe he's just deaf.
If he was deaf that would be even cooler! You'll see why in a couple of sentences.
I LOVE this kid.
He's this Mexican kid with spikey hair, braces and he carries a guitar and is always wearing his iPod and headphones.
I love him!
I don't know if he has any classes because I only see him in front of the cafeteria . . . singing.
At the top of his lungs, totally off pitch, not understanding a word he's saying. . . .
. . . and it's beautiful.
Whenever I walk past there I always hope he's there. Singing.
Today was an absolute treat.
I was in the library on one of the computers and someone sits down at the computer next to me and hits the side of the desk making a "clunnnnggggg" noise.
It was a guitar.
All of the sudden this big screen of a music video of the backstreet boys pops up on their screen . . .
and there feet start tapping.
It was him!
He sat next to ME! Of all people!
He occasionally would talk to me, asking if I was talking to friends when I was e-mailing people. Or asking me If I was buying clothes when I was looking at urban outfitters online.
And always with a smile full of braces.
It took me a couple tries to fully understand what he was saying. But he was so cool to watch.
Now you know why it'd be way cool if he was deaf cuz he's so into music.
Then I started thinking: "I would be totally self concious if I was watching the backstreet boys in a public lab. "
More people should try and be like him.
My mind has been very open lately.
And when I say lately I mean for the last 2 or 3 months or so.
To me that's a long time. Usually if I was feeling that way, it would be a week long phase.
Well . . . this is a long phase. . . but I don't think it is one.
I'm pretty sure it's life.
Or God.
But, God gives me life so . . .
It's God.
God is telling me to chill out and look around.
And who better to chill out and people watch with than God, right?
Day by day I feel like I become fearless.
Of what's ahead.
Like I'm ready to take it on . . . but I can wait.
I'm watching "Fringe" right now.
So cool.
Now THAT opens your mind.
Fox channel, tuesdays, 9pm.
Be there.
Or be unaware.
Oh. My grandpa ate almost all of my coldstone ice cream.
You know, the big container type.
That costs $12.
He didn't even use a bowl.
Just right out of the carton.
I'm gonna go devour the rest of it so he won't eat anymore.
Proactive is my middle name.