Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dreams are dreams

Computer . . . do you ever have a dream that when you wake up you're like,

" . . . oh no!! That wasn't REAL??? But it was so good!!!" . . .

Well, have you?

. . . can you even have dreams???

No offense but that really isn't my problem because unlike you I CAN dream and last night was (just for you mich) SO GOOD!

I'm not going to tell you what it was about because I think that would ruin it.

But it was way good and then I woke up . . . . and tried to go back to sleep and finish my wonderful dream . . . but I couldn't.

And then I went on with my day.

Daydreaming of my nightdream.
Trying to further it without making it seem unbelievable . . . as it already was.

. . .

The other day I saw the sweetest thing . . .

"oh-oo-oh the sweetest thing"

If you get that.

You are cool.

Anywho, I was walking to class and coming up behind me I heard a very normal conversation.
I think it was about school. . .
But then I noticed that the coversers were rapidly approaching me from behind just based on the sound.

And when they passed me, that's when I cracked a big fat smile.

It was a guy in an electric wheelchair pulling a girl in a regular wheelchair (the hard kind!) and she was just holding on to the back of his chair and they were just chit chatting away.

It honestly broke my heart.
In a good way.

Is that a bad thing?
That I make a big deal out of handicaped people?
Or is it a good thing because I actually acknowledge them as human beings unlike others do?

I'd like to think I'm doing the right thing.

. . . .

I feel like snowboarding.


Friday, October 17, 2008

I love to laugh

You know what's funny?


You know that "Tide" commercial where that guy is at a job interview and has that stain on his shirt?
And every time the guy speaks his stain goes "blahsphlksditaliuoijhgoaiur5k!" . . . ?

I think that is a hillarious comercial.

So funny.

Makes me laugh.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


You know how in high school (and probably currently) you thought "gee, V.C. is such a lame school. So boring and predictable."

It's so not lame.

It's like,

. . . unlame.

Yeah it can get a little ghetto.

Like yesterday I realized that all the different races hang out in different parts of the campus.

Just like in high school.

The football players (mostly African American) hang out in front of the student store.

The Hispanics hang out on the side of the Library by the new admin office.

And my FAVORITE people (who I'm convinced are their own race), the artists, hang out by that snack shack by the science building.

Isn't that strange?

Like their too afraid to mix 'n mingle or something.

Gosh! It's almost like they just got out of high school.

Oh wait . . .

But anywho, my point was that V.C. is unlame because of the lame people.

. . . so it like cancels out.

Like math.

Am I really using a math reference when I clearly have strong hatred towards it?


But the lame people are only so because they choose to be.

The unlame people?

The artists.

I had a horrible morning this morning so far.
I was on my way to school to take a chem quiz, realized I was literally running on empty and when I pulled into the gas station, my card would work ANYWHERE and I couldn't get cash out.

So I was on pins and needles trying to get to school so I wouldn't miss my test and I ran out right in front of a shell station. . . if you don't believe in God, you should.

Anyways Ben came, bought me gas, went to my test barely ontime and when I came out, there were the artists.
Immidiately my day was better.

They are always playing music, guitar, singing, one kid brought his violen today.

And they're GOOD! It's so amazing.

I would love to see the other "groups" get involved in, like, a freestyle with them.

Could you imagine two guys going at it with the violen dude in the background?

I would pay money to see that.

Oh wait. I can't. My card doesn't work. Because my bank is an idiot face.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


It feels like fall!!!

Ben and I were in his front yard and I was like "It's so cool and crisp out".
And he's all "What exactly does crisp mean?".

I'm thinking it means not only is it really cool out but the air is clean and clear.
Crisp! Right?

Just, like, cool and clean.

And he says it just means cool or cold.

I kept bugging him saying, "It feels like Halloween! It feels like fall!"

I don't know about you computer, but I love this time of year.
I don't know if it's because the holidays are around the corner or if it's just because it means I get to wear the same pair of jeans for a week and nobody will know as long as I change up my jackets . . . it doesn't really matter.

They're both good reasons.



I feel like I'm completely surrounded by babies.
Not like that's a bad thing, but . . . it freaks me out.

Like pregnancy is contagious . . . and I might catch the BUG.

Wouldn't that be weird if that's how you got pregnant? You wouldn't need guys anymore now would ya!

Anyways, here are some things that have popped up lately.

Katie had her baby.
Alyssa's sister is due with her 3rd kid any day now . . .
My lab partner is 3 months pregnant . . .
The girl I sit next to in chem is 3 months pregnant . . .
My friend at work is 6 months pregnant . . .
My cousin is 3 months pregnant . . .
Ben's sister is 3 months pregnant . . .
My mom and her boyfriend keep talking about being GRANDPARENTS . . .

I mean. . . really. Seriously?

I'm way excited for when the babies come.
It'll be so exciting.

But dang.

This just proves that I'm in even LESS of a hurry to "grow up".

But on the less freaky side. . .

Ojai Day is almost here!!!!

Actually . . .

Ojai day is pretty freakish.

I've tried convincing Ben to go to Ojai Day.
He's not budging.
I even tried bribing him with the tri-tip sandwiches they have.

He thought about it . . .

for a second . . .

but still refused.

It might be better that he doens't come.
If he did he would probably just complain the whole time which would ruin the fun.

And who wants ruined fun.

It should be a good weekend.