Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Old post

So I saved this as a draft because I didn't know if I should post it because it's so negative.

But it's such an interesting story and such a huge turning point between Ben and me.

So I decided to post it.

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I met Satan last night.

Her name is Kathy.

As in Ben's mom.

She honestly hates me.

I am NOT exaggerating.

Or trying to be funny.

Or witty.

Or dramatic.

I'm serious.

Previously Ben's parentals made rules such as the following:

1. I'm not allowed to spend the night there anymore in order to motivated Ben to move out.

(fair enough. . .)

2. I'm not allowed to be at their house when nobody else is. (I understand . . .)

3. I'm not allowed to have dinner at their house???? . . . . . ( Bull . )


Apparently I am only allowed to be at their house when Ben is.

Neither of us knew THAT rule existed so when I found out his dad was in Chicago last night on a business trip and Ben wasn't getting off work 'till 7pm I decided I would hang out with his mom and keep her company.

How inconsiderate of me.

I should be ashamed of myself to think such atrocities. . .

I guess she wanted the house to herself and when I came over she was not a happy camper.

Ben brought home a pizza to bake since his mom didn't make dinner (neither of us expected her to) and I accidentally left the pizza on the cardboard plate and it made a really funny smell when it was cooking.

Nothing happened to the pizza or the oven . . . it just made a weird smell.

So I said whoops and took the cardboard out.

No biggie right?


All hell broke loose.

She bitched and yelled at me . . . over cardboard.

Then when she went to bed, she texted Tom (Ben's dad) a nasty, vicious text message about me and how I come over to much and blah blah blah.

. . . . . . she accidentally sent it to Ben's cell.

Which was right next to me.

I opened it.

Read it.

Showed it to Ben.

Then HE lost it.


He went upstairs, showed his mom the text, she said whoops and then DEFENDED herself. . . as if she did nothing hurtful or wrong.

. . . so

apparently when I would come over to there house before Ben got off work and ate dinner with his family. . . I was breaking a rule.

When I was hanging out with his parents, getting to know them better and letting them get to know me . . . I was breaking a rule.

When his parents repeatedly told me "dont be a stranger!" and "come over anytime". . . they were lying???

You see, they do all of these nice things like take specifically me and Ben out to dinner with them, or buy me a mountain bike for my birthday . . . or let me stay at there house for a whole summer because my household was briefly in a state of chaos. . . .

Then they pull the rug out from underneath you.

Bite your head off.

Lemon in the wound.

Paper cuts between the fingers.

But come to find out it's all his mom's doing, and not his dad.

His dad and I get along great but I guess he's trying to make it seem like it's his doing as well, so the whole family doesn't hate Kathy.

And she does it to everyone who isn't biologically related to her.

Every girlfriend or boyfriend her children have ever had . . . . . she's tortured.

. . .

I don't think she realizes that if this continues, she will totally loose her son.

He was ready pack up and move right then . . . . but where.

Ben told me about his grandma in Ohio (that's where his parents grew up) and she was so horrible that she would spoil her grandchildren rotten but the grandchildren that her daughter adopted . . . she ignored.

Totally wicked step mother but . . . . wicked grandma.


I'm really trying not to hate right now.





I SO wanted to give her a piece of my mind when I read that text.

But no.

I just cried.

And it didn't help.

Honestly I don't know how someone, a mother, can be so purposely mean.

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For the record. . .

she apologized.

And she meant it, I could tell.

And things are much better now that everyone understands where everyone else is coming from.

It's been really nice actually.

I just thought I would share a little bit of what I have to endure sometimes.

And I don't think she's really Satan.

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