Monday, November 17, 2008

slumpty dumpty


You know how usually second semester of school, kids start slacking after spring break?

I think it's the same thing for veterans day.

Ever since that 3day weekend (well, 4 for me since I don't have class on fridays), I've been super lazy.

It's like I have this mindset that's like "ooooohhhhhh Alexa. It's okay if you don't study today. There's always tomorrow! And it's okay if you get a 44 out of 60. . . even though it's a "C" it still looks like a "B"! You're doing fine."

Yeah, having the voice of Satan in your head really doesn't help you study.

. . . that sounds kind of creepy.

You get it though.

ANDDDDDD. . . . we only have 3 weeks of school left before finals week.

2 1/2 if you count turkey week as half a week.

I'm constantly trying to fight that slacking urge but it's just so darn hard!

Not to mention Christmas is totally taunting me with lights and smelly candles and really bad eating habits.

Oh well.

'Tis the season, right?

I guess just pray for me to be disciplined these last few weeks and pray for wisdom.

Lots and lots of wisdom.

Super human wisdom, even.

1 comment:

ATSmith said...

you would love the quarter system. no downtime. in and out - breathe in, breathe out and it's over.