Saturday, April 5, 2008


I saw a movie last night called 'Once'.
It was amazing.
I recommend it for anyone who loves music.

It's like a love/success story, but it's not predictable.
The other people I was watching it with thought it was slow, but I didn't notice.
I think if you appreciate music enough, . . . . . . . . . . . you won't notice either.

It won an academy award I guess.
I think for it's music.

The music is killer.

It just made me want to start a band, write songs, learn guitar, SOMETHING.

Though, there are quite a few F-bombs, that's kind of what you expect when a movie is set in Dublin, right?

I dunno.
I miss singing.
I wish there were more opportunities for it.


mandrews said...

DUDE LEX!!! I told you this movie was AMAZING!!! It is definitely a must see for any music lovers out there! I'm so glad you liked it!

ATSmith said...

Yes, learn guitar so you can take over leading worship for Community : ) Please come and sing too!!!

Ryan said...

I'll give you lots of opportunities to sing and play :-)

I'm glad you liked the film.