Saturday, February 16, 2008

When the lights go down in the city

Okay, so, I have decided that the day after Valentines Day is so much better than the actualy holiday. I think I'm going to start celebrating FebRUary (such a wierd R) 15th instead of the 14th because then you're not surrounded by cranky/and or twitterpated people dressed in the appropriate colors.

I finally went to S.F. yesterday with Sandra and Sonae and we had a blast. An absolute ball.
Well, at least I did.
We bought too much, we ate too much, we walked too much, we paid too much. It was perfect.

There were these really cool hearts in Union Sqaure that I was taking pictures of and this extremely creepy/scruffy guy came up to us after this couple took our picture and asked to see the pic.
Naturally, being the sweet-hearted dumb girls we are, we let him see it. . . and then he opened his mouth, and this is what he said:

"Whoa, dude, do you want me to take another one of you girls? Are you going into Victoria's Secret right there? It's really pink and there's a spot where you can see the girls changing in the dressing room! Want me to show you? By the way I really like your hair."

We were gone.

And heading to Haight and Ashbury. I could've stayed there all day. We had the best dinner at this place call gobble and squat.
I got my nose pierced.
Talked to some homeless guys.

Oh and then, when we were heading home, my super smart roommate told me to go down this road and we ended up on a "cable car only" road that came to a dead end and had a rotating deck to turn the trolly's around. . . we got stuck on it.
It was amazing. But another car had followed us so we weren't alone.

I was sad when we left. Goodbye city. My second love.
Not really. More like my second home.

All in all it was a splendid trip full of excitment and a lot of funny/classic pictures.

We're going again next weekend.

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