Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Grocery/Prayer list

Well, Thursday couldn't wait.

Just got done with running and the gym.
Ben was supposed to meet me there. . . .

he never showed up.

Oh well. Hope he's not dead!
Cuz THEN who would drive me to the airport, huh?

I went to the grocery store on Monday night and something interesting/sad happened.
I was on my way down the pasta isle looking for some velveta (mmmmmmm velveeetaaaaa)
and as I was standing there trying to decide if I should get regular size or family size I over heard a conversation happening (yes, I was eves dropping) between and elderly man and an elderly couple.
What caught my attention was the word "chemo".
Apparently the single man's wife just found out she had cancer and the couple is friends with them and was asking if there was anything they could do, anything they needed etc.
The single man seemed at peace with it which I found surprising.
Then the woman asked if she was hopefull. . . . .

Now, I don't know what the proper question are to ask when dealing with a cancer patient but that just seemed really cut throat.
She made it sound like there was no hope.

There's always hope.

When they parted ways, I caught the one man's eyes and just smiled.
I didn't know what else I should do.
All I can do now is just pray for him, his wife, and possible family.

I always seem to pray for people in grocery stores.

About 3 months ago I heard a couple talking to there friend about there child who was a twin but the other one died at birth.
They still wanted to have twins badly.
I still pray for them too.

. . . . if I'm their secret prayer,

Do I have one?

How many of us are there?

1 comment:

mandrews said...

That is so neat to think of Lex! I totally eves drop on other people's conversations and pray for them... but I have never really thought about what other people think when they hear my conversations...